
10 Reasons why people Travel

Meditation, Exercise & Quality sleep! You know all these are very good for you and your health. A good addition to this will be travel as it would give you extra happiness. But not only health benefits there can be numerous reasons to go for a Trip. Here is a compiled list of top reasons showing why travelling should be an important aspect of life.


  1. Helps you Appreciate Your Life

When you are too busy in your life as most of people are, It’s obvious to lose sight about the things you have. Your eyes and mind don’t as much open about your special things as it should.  Going to another place give you a fresh appreciation about your family, your home, your friends and your circle. Once you back from your travel, You feel yourself lucky that you have so many things to enjoy. Your family is so nice, Your home is just heaven and all. Travel is an amazing place for family members to get more attached as it helps in building and strengthen important bonds. Couples too need to develop a bond apart from home, where they can share their thoughts, and do many things to get enjoyed. Doing this helps them ignite fresh sparks that helps in long lasting relation with love and care.

  1. Celebrating

In order to celebrate anniversary, birthday party or any such occasion. There can be always a reason to go for a trip. Even you can go for a babymoon before a little one comes to your home J

A special occasion is celebrated in a better way, if it is celebrated in an amazing place you dreamed for. Celebration vacation also helps you improve lasting among members as it gives you so many things including share shared memories for a lifetime.

  1. Reduces Stress & Improve Mental health

Pulling yourself out of daily routines and making yourself open to enjoy new climate, people and place, please your body and mind to help you reduce stress. According to a report,  89 percent of travelers admit that they become stress free just after one or two days of their trip. According to another report, you can experience an increase of happiness even during planning for trips. Even it’s a 2 or 3 days of trip, A travel can improve your overall mood and happiness compared to those who don’t travel at all.

During Traveling, You learn the new things you love the most. You realize that your brains are becoming more active because you are just loving what you are learning. This result in Increase level of happiness.

  1. Enhance your sense or, Self

Travelers often get opportunities to meet people of different culture, language and way of living. You may need people for your guidance, this can improve your sense of understand and you will feel enjoyed that you are learning and understanding  new things.  The social aspect     from your travelling can help your sense and self. Several researches have proved that when you travel to new location and meet to new people of different culture, your personal identity that includes confidence and your values, increase.

There comes a time when you are on the road and you need to deal with an unexpected situation. Even you plan your trip very carefully, some of the happenings can take a surprise turn. Whatever, the problem is, Travelling boost confidence in yourself that you can discover a route of success for yourself. So in Short,  Travelling improves your self confidence to easily tackle with the new problems.

  1. Enhances Creativity

If you love to write travel blogs, or to write in your diary, Travelling can be very helpful for your searches related to inspiration and motivation. You will get so many amazing points  in your mind that help you create nice posts for your readers.  Some researchers have proved that travelling spark synapses of the brain to improve creativity.

In a study performed in 2012, It has been found that traveling to a different place (New culture) is directly proportional to the “creativity”.  The study tells that the better one gets engaged and adopt new culture, the more creative with better body language he will have. However, Author advised that one has to get immersed into new culture ASAP rather than just moving location.

  1. Traveling make you realize that it’s not all about you

Through traveling, you see the world and realize that world is too big . Traveling changes your perception you relate to the world. By travelling you soon realize that world doesn’t revolve around you. You will realize that you are just a fish and world is like ocean. As much you travel, you will get enjoyed more. Travelling also develops empathy within you for global suffering.

  1. Traveling is easier than you think and it gives cool stories & many other things.

Travelling around the world is not so hard as you think; It is something that should be done by everyone. Whether you want to spend some of your days, months or years to different place/culture, Be sure that it is not hard and you are not going to be fussy  regarding your trip. Travelling is easy and you are going to make a life time memory. Just make your trip, do all necessary steps and just put your legs in the ocean of pleasure.

Even For the people, who can’t explain a past story, They will be happy to remind and share all travel stories that helped them enjoy.  You do surprise with the list of flavors the world offers. People from the world, eat different types of delicious foods. Traveling also helps you learn new languages like what to tell “Hello” in Marathi and what to tell come here in “Spanish”.

  1. Improves Heart Health

Travel causes a lot of physical activities, like walking the streets, climbing on the different places including mountains, temples. The physical activities help travelers lower blood pressure and causes risk of heart related problems.

According to the Framingham Heart Study that was performed for a period of 20 years, women who travel once in 6 years, has 8 times more risk to develop heart disease or heart attack than the women who travel at least twice in a year.

  1. Traveling teaches You

Learning is one of main reasons, people love to travel. They love to feel something new that leave them with new skills and knowledge. Traveling makes you realize that dreams do come true, yes it is an education that is impossible to get in a school. Good news is that, To take admission in this school, no entry test is required J Through Travelling, one can get improve knowledge about history, geography, religion, culture, way of living and more. Travelling can teach you a lot of things like cooking a South Indian food, Learning new language.

It also make you realize that there is a better world than your world of daily routine that contains a lot of tensions. A long term travelling guide you understand that where you’ve been, where to go and where currently you are.

  1. Escaping

Escaping! Yes you read it right! A bad breakup, A miss happening in a family, Loss of a loved one or any other reason can be a reason of stress and unhappiness. Traveling has the power to not only escape but also, it helps to heal. A new place with completely different culture and people help you distract from your problems. You will return your home with peace and better mind setup.

Thanks for reading this post. So, Which of above reasons people love to travel resonates most with your case? Or there is another reason that is motivating you? Do share your thoughts in comment section below!


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